Join, Learn, Impact Your World!
Make a Difference.
Make it Happen.
Make a positive difference in the world with charitable works, lasting friendships, and loving kindness to all mankind.
Who We Are
The Order of Eastern Star is an international Masonic fraternal organization where men and women share core beliefs of caring for one another, providing relief to those in need, and putting action into these beliefs.
With over 300,000 members across the globe giving millions of dollars a day and countless hours of volunteer work, we make a positive impact one day, one hour, and one dollar at a time. Join us and learn new ways to impact your world!
October 2022 to October 2023, The Michigan OES has donated
Benevolence Fund $57,600
Educational Scholarships $66,800
Service Dogs $13,000
and completed at $75,000 commitment to renovate and update the media center at the Michigan Masonic Pathways.

What We Believe
The OES mission is to make a positive difference in the world with charitable works, lasting friendships, and loving kindness to all mankind.